Some movies are made as high art. Some are to made to make a statement. Some are made to tell a moving story. The A-Team is none of these types of films. It's a big ridiculous action-packed summer blockbuster!! And I loved every silly minute of it!!
Anyone who knows the TV Show from the 80's will know the basics. Four soldiers accused of a crime they didn't commit, on the run from the law. This film is the origin story. How they met and how they were set up. No heavy plot to get in the way. It's more like 'Get your guns and choppers and shoot something!' The action is non-stop.
The cast is excellent. Everyone has their moment to shine. Liam Neeson plays the leader John "Hannibal" Smith. Always with a cigar in his mouth and a overly complicated plan. Bradley Cooper is Templeton "Faceman" Peck. He always has an eye for the ladies. Quinton "Rampage" Jackson is Bosco Albert "B.A." (Bad Attitude) Baracus. A tough guy's tough guy, that's afraid to fly. Sharlto Copley rounds out the team as H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock. Who is just plan crazy. Jessica Biel is also in there. But her and the rest of the cast seemed to have gotten the short end of this script.
But the script and story is really the least of your worries. Don't try to use logic with this film. It doesn't work. It's much more fun to sit back and let the bullets fly. Or tanks. Don't ask. :)
Official website
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